Nana Lourdes

Photo credit: Photo Courtesy of Nana Lourdes

As an only child living in a town of fewer than 800 people located in the middle of nowhere Portugal, Lourdes, aka Adriana Caldas de Barros, found solace in obsessing over the process of music making. She taught herself how to write, produce, record, and mix while shuffling between her parents’ living room and her late great-grandma’s bedroom. Influenced by music from the early 00’s, such as Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani and that one LeAnn Rimes song, Nana writes songs for all of her celebrity girlfriends.
Lourdes offers this on the song, “I wrote this song years ago so I don’t really specifically remember what I was going through anymore (but probs nothing major??). I believe I was trying to come to terms with the fact that I’m always going to be two halves being pulled in extremely opposite directions. It can be pretty unbearable and very distracting at times but it’s all about balance!”

Contact Info
Promotional Photos
  • Photo credit: Photo Courtesy of Nana Lourdes

Cover Art
  • Benighted Enlightened
